Presbytery Youth Camp 2019

Presbytery Youth Camp 2019

The 2019 Presbytery Youth Camp was a fun, relaxed and enjoyable event for the 12 campers who attended. It fostered a positive community of young people open to exploring questions about God.  Camp Director Bobbe Solager wrote that PYC was. . . “a ton of fun,...
Job 23

Job 23

Job 23:1–9, 16–17* Introduction to prayer: Be Still and Know that I am God Abandonment, the action of leaving someone to their fate by ceasing to take an interest in them. The echoes of the cry of Christ at Easter, “My God My God why have you abandoned me” seems so...
Bread, Covenant, Connected

Bread, Covenant, Connected

A mix of themes in the Revised Lectionary Readings for August.  Bread, Covenant, and Connection is just a beginning.  These images can be a start or alternatively, search through one of the linked pages from the side bar.     All images contributed by Denise...
Living Faith

Living Faith

Trinity Sunday is a reminder that our glimpses of God reveal a unity in diversity, and that our life together should also reflect that. Today also, Christians of many shades and colours come together in Hobart’s “Church Together” celebration. It’s one way to...
Red Chair Movies

Red Chair Movies

  It’s 7pm on a Saturday night in the historic village of Evandale, Tasmania.  With the windows blacked out, a big screen lowered from the ceiling and a HD projector and sound system in place, a little wooden hall has undergone its monthly transformation into the...