In the Uniting Church the Church Council’s main priority is to build the congregation up in faith and love. This means encouraging the congregation to be active disciples in all of their life, not just while in the church building, once a week. Other responsibilities include:
- sharing in the pastoral care and spiritual oversight of the congregation,
- determining, with the minister, the time and place of worship,
- assist those interested in applying to be a specified minister,
- managing finance, administration and property,
- providing clear annual reports to the congregation and to the presbytery,
- exercise discipline as appropriate,
- collaborate and share with the Minister in conduct of worship and the sacraments.
We have put together a list of frequently asked questions to help you fulfill your responsibilities. We are grateful for the work of the Presbytery Office and Uniting Mission Education (NSW/ACT) in putting this together.
The Constitution and Regulations of the Uniting Church, and the Manual for Meetings, can be found here.
The responsibilities of your local Church Council are described there, but are also linked or inter-related to the other councils within the Uniting Church, each of which has its own responsibilities. ‘UCA pyramids’ are one useful way of illustrating these responsibilities and relationships: free to download from CTM Resourcing, they are easy to print and put together, and an explanation of the pyramids is also available.
Click on any of the headings below for information about the following areas:

Uniting Church pyramids illustrate the inter-related responsibilities and relationships of the councils within the Uniting Church