Grants: resourcing for Ministry

The Presbytery has funding available for ministry in new and innovative ways of being church, education and training, children, youth, young adult and family ministry, and maintenance of heritage property.


Mission and Service Giving Commitment

Every year congregations are asked to contribute to the work of the UCA in Victoria and Tasmania through the Mission and Service Fund, which provides funding for Presbytery Ministers in Tasmania, grants to congregations like Bridgewater-Gagebrook UC, training for ministers and local leaders, and many other services to congregations and ministers.  Your commitment through Mission and Service is very much appreciated.

Ministry Placements

Synod Placements Committee includes vacant placements, ministry movements, ministry placement and personal profile templates, expression of interest template, notice of retirement form, and Terms of Placement (ToP) forms, as well as all listed placememt vacancies, and UCA Manse Guidelines (2001).

Synod Terms of Placement Committee includes Summaryof Ministry Provisions and Charges (2023), UCA Handbook, Removal guidelines, Long Service Leave application form.

Synod Central Stipends and Payroll Services (CSPS) includes Ministers’ Annual Leave form, and supply ministry forms.

Is your congregation looking for a new minister? Please follow this up with Presbytery Pastoral Relations Committee Secretary Barbara Wood

Continuing education for ministry workers:

Ministry supervision is required of all ministers in active ministry:

Visiting preachers, speakers and worship leaders

Church Council is reponsible for oversight of worship, including who leads worship, and following relevant church policies to provide safe environments for all. Presbytery policy on visiting preachers, speakers and worship leaders assists local leaders to engage people are not accredited Uniting Church preachers or worship leaders.

Supply Ministry

Please contact the Presbytery Pastoral Relations Committee Secretary Barbara Woodfor information about supply ministry.

The payroll forms for supply ministry in your congregation are located on the Synod CSPS page, to be read with useful information from the UCA-Handbook-2019

Presbytery Policies


Is your congregation looking at ways that UCA property can be used for mission development?
Please email Lucia Fitzgerald Synod Property and Development Manager.

The forms above are also available on the Synod webpage

Property Building Projects