Baptism again.

But we had baptism last week.

The “mountaintop experience” is important but means less than the way in which it is worked out in the process of life. How does it impact on life at four o’clock in the afternoon? How does it impact on what we communicate with others? How does it impact on the decisions of our life that form us into new people?

Some say, “I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity; …” without continuing the sentence with the hope of, “…;yet surely my cause is with the Lord, and my reward with my God.” We are taken out of our pits. We are taken beyond our fears.

The Lamb of God, Son of God, Rabbi, Lord, and Christ, are some of the titles given to describe the person and work of Jesus in these readings. Our exploration of the implications of these titles takes us into the mystery of God and our social, educational, political and religious place in the world where everything is real, everything is spiritual.

Let us continue to be immersed in the baptism of our life into the death and life of Jesus.

Graham Booth
Lay Preacher, Longford