Be stretched in your thinking about God’s mission
Sammy Stamp – still giving
2019 YET ANOTHER GOOD YEAR FOR ‘SAMMY STAMP’ Thank you to all those in Tassie for their bags of stamps which we collect here at the Tassie UCA Office, sort (thanks Lorna) and then send to Victoria with those travelling to Melbourne. Sales of stamps like yours, helps...
Light and Shade in Matthew
This year we have been unable to gather and share in a common learning opportunity face to face in Refresh (planned for May 2020). An alternative learning opportunity is to engage in a series of video inputs around the gospel of Matthew that Uniting Church minister and biblical scholar Bill Loader has generously pulled together and shared with the wider church.
Weekly ‘open meeting’ Zoom for local leaders
Leaders of the Uniting Church in Tasmania host a weekly ‘open meeting’ for local church leaders of congregations and faith communities around Tasmania. The purpose is to share the latest updates on COVID-19 from Presbytery & Synod, to identify key challenges and...
Church giving in ‘non-contact’ times
Regular planned giving to our local congregations & faith communities, and to the wider Uniting Church through Mission & Service Giving, is an important aspect of our Christian faith and discipleship.
Donate now – Uniting Vic/Tas
Uniting VicTas is the community services arm of the Uniting Church across Tasmania and Victoria
Being God’s called people with adaptive and creative measures
We are listening to different voices bring their sense and experience of who they know God to be. Stories of God at work over a long time in people’s lives. Stories of young people exploring who God is for them as they question and ponder meaning in the light of our current day’s experiences.