Lectionary Readings 2 Samuel 7: 1-11, 16, Luke 1: 39-55, Romans 16: 25-27

Take a moment to get comfortable, close your eyes and take some deep breaths.

Imagine a garden full of life. There are brightly coloured flowers, healthy bushes, a vegie patch, green grass and so much more. There are bees collecting pollen and the birds are chirping happily.

You love being in the garden but there is something missing……You’d love to have something in your garden that will last for many years. Something that could bring joy to people in 5 years, 10 years, or maybe even 50 years’ time.

Take a moment to sit in the garden and think about what you could plant or add that would bring joy to people for many years to come. Maybe you could have a special bonsai tree. Or maybe you could make a mosaic tile that lives in the garden.

Now, take some time to sit with God in the garden of your soul. What are you growing in the garden of your soul that will be long lasting? What are you growing that can be passed on to the next generation? What legacy items have you planted and nurtured? Ask God to reveal other areas of your life that may be nurtured to bring joy to others, now and into the future.

As you are ready, slowly open your eyes and pay attention to the sights and sounds around you.

This week, you might like to take some time to think about, or chat about, the legacy that you’d like to leave behind, and how your garden of the soul brings joy to others now and into the future.

Go now in the joy of Advent.
Know that God has already gone ahead of you, and whatever comes in the week ahead, God will be with you.
Remember this and live with joy.

We light the candle of Joy.

With thanks to Kath Ruhle, Hannah Staines, Fiona Harris, Jesse Caulfield and Kath Behan from the Queensland Synod.

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