Do you sometimes get the sense that God is up to something? We see glimpses of transformative love in action, of subtle changes taking place in somebody’s life, or they start telling their story differently. We see glimpses of something deeper taking place, reflective, contemplative. We take time for ourselves to grow in who we are as God’s people. We take time to grow as called people, doing ordinary things in our world, where there is so much hurt.
Where might this time take you? How does God journey with you in your life? What are the challenges you face? How does God challenge you to be the best that you can be for sake of the Kingdom of Heaven?
I have had the privilege of a song being shared as a result of this kind of contemplation and giving over of oneself to the love of God. In this time of Lent where give intentional time to who we are in our brokenness, when we intentionally face again the challenge of the Easter story – death and resurrection, God’s activity of love in the world for all of creation, we can find ways to express who God is for us.
This song is offered as a gift. Some of you may like to use it in your worship spaces. Some of you may like to just sit with the words. Some of you may find it challenging simply because of where you are in your faith journey. Some of you may like to let it stimulate a photographic journey, an art journey, a personal journalling journey – or a blog journey.
The song as gift from one of our own, comes as a witness to God at work in our lives. Comes from a depth of faithful living. Where is God inspiring you? How is God inspiring you? What do you do with that? How might it enable another to grow in their faith?
The Early Morn
While I stood there among the crowd
I felt ashamed I could not watch
My loving God what hast thou done
they pierced his side, his blood was spilt
Then darkness came I shook in fear
My heart was torn what have they done
with a loud cry His time had come
He bled for me at Calvary
Is this man God I heard them say
King of the Jews come save yourself
What would I do my hope was gone
He said to me ‘Come follow me’
Then on that day that early morn
the stone was gone, where was my God
What joy I have my heart is warmed
My Saviour lives, He lives once more
Copyright : Wayne Bounday 25/12/2018
Tune (AHB 258) When I survey the wondrous cross
If you would like Denise to visit your congregation, to listen and share around leadership formation, contact us via the Presbytery Office 6331 9784 or Denise 0427 647 395 or