In every moment of life, the question hovers over us or confronts us as we make our decisions – “Who is this Jesus? It is not, of course, as simple as saying, “This is our God”. In every age, the church has struggled to name its God.

Is this God one who stands at the forefront of our armies as they attack or defend in the name of good?

Or is this God in the midst of our enemies healing and reconciling and suffering for the sake of peace?

Is this Jesus for or against certain human behaviour or certain types of people?

Does this God love candle and incense, or quiet meditation, or hymn-singing with upraised hands – or all three?

But, more relevantly, in every decision that we make in our lives, there is the underlying question of “Who is this Jesus for me at this moment?” and how will I know who this Jesus is?

Rev Ann Perrin