Make way!
Let’s look forward. God is about to do a new thing. Let’s look past the pain of our exile. Can’t you sense the new thing coming? God who makes a way through the sea of chaos will make a way through the desert, the wilderness of our journey for we have been adopted into the people formed by and for Godself.
Make way!
When we came out of exile it was like our best dreams had come true and for a while we couldn’t believe it. Then the laughter and the joy came infused in the normal tasks of life as we lived the story.
Make way!
John records numerous journeys by Jesus to Jerusalem for religious festivals. Jesus is the faithful Jew. Mary recognises the dream in the midst of the normal – a good dream infused with the memory and the prospect of death whereas Judas sees a false dichotomy between our worship and our action for justice. In the midst of plans for the death of Jesus, Lazarus is the walking symbol of the possibility of a new thing that God is doing.
Make way!
Paul is the faithful Jew. Righteousness is living in right relationship with God. Paul had found this on his own through the law, the teaching, the Torah; but finds a new fulfilment through the relationship that comes through faith from God. In this topsy turvy world gain becomes loss becomes gain. In this new perspective the gains and achievements of the self, while positive in themselves, are like rubbish in comparison with the gains of knowing Christ.
Make way!
Where is God about to do a new thing? Can you sense it? What are your dreams? In your faithful walking what has been the movement from suffering or incomplete fulfilment to life and laughter? In your faithful walking where do you need help finding the path, clearing the path, walking the path….and where do you need to get out of the way?