We all experience shifts and changes across the span of our life. Each time we enter a new decade of life, something within us has to grow and develop. As we age, we carry different and deepening experiences of life. The wisdom of the older generations is important for the exploring minds and curiosity of the younger generations as they make meaning from life’s emerging challenges. We can share stories across the generations. It is important to share our stories across the generations.
How do we do that? Who do we that with? The family meal table, a car trip, sharing holiday photos, going through you tube to find clips of old TV shows. Remember when conversations . . . . Are all moments when important stories can be shared.
I used to love hearing the stories my Grandfather told us about life for him as a young person. The challenges and decisions he faced. I used to love sitting in amongst the uncles as they shared stories and laughter of times in the Northern Territory and working with people of a difference culture. Their laughter at some of the situations they found themselves in always drew me in. Sitting underneath those stories was a sense of something or someone holding the value and meaning of it. These stories were important, they mattered. They were pivotal, growing moments. They were moments of knowing God’s presence, place and call. They were moments of living in relationship with God. The responses made in those stories told of a way of engaging with others, that reflected something of the Kingdom of God. The spoke of an underlying capacity to express the gifts and fruit of the Spirit in ordinary, everyday life moments.
What are our stories that we carry? How do we tell them? When and to whom do we tell them? As you tell them, pay attention to the under story . . . .and see if you can spot just how and why the story matters as being part of who God is in your life . . . . .
To do this is a part of understanding, owning and articulating something of our faith. It is part of being a disciple of Christ, of sharing the faith that lies within us, of being missional. Think of your children, your grandchildren, nieces, nephews, young people who are part of your life as you walk the streets, do your shopping, walk into a doctors’ office. A simple sentence with those people can be the beginning of sharing a moment of story telling, where God passes something deeper to the other.
You can explore this further through engaging with “Makes You Wonder” https://ume.nswact.uca.org.au/resources/makes-you-wonder/
Or through Here2Stay https://here2stay.org.au
Or through some articles with Lifelongfaith Journal https://www.lifelongfaith.com/uploads/5/1/6/4/5164069/lifelong_faith_journal_1.3.pdf
Or you can contact the Presbytery Ministers, and even other local ministry leaders who can assist your community as they are able.
If you would like Denise to visit your congregation, to listen and share around leadership formation, contact us via the Presbytery Office 6331 9784 or Denise 0427 647 395 or denise.savage@victas.uca.org.au