Isaiah 50:4-9
Give me the tongue of a teacher
That I may know how
To sustain the weary with a word

Open my ear
That I may listen
As those who are taught

Psalm 31
Be my rock of refuge
Not hard
Not unfeeling

Be my strong fortress
Raised up
Not isolating

Be my shelter
Not confining
to babying

Philippians 2:1-13
Encourage us O Christ
To work out our own salvation
With fear and trembling
Console us O Christ
As we work out our own salvation
With fear and trembling

Matthew 26:14 – 27:66 or Matthew 27:11-54
We are Pilate
Confounded, confused
Searching for popularity
Searching for innocence

We are Barrabas
Guilty, amused
Offered a way out
Willing to take release

We are the crowd
Excited, stirred
Caught in the moment
Unwilling to be different

We are the soldiers
Unleashed, aggressive
Under orders
Willing to get away with

We are Simon
In the wrong place at the wrong time
Lacking in choice

We are the bandits
Nailed, crucified
Dying a death
Taunting a fellow sufferer

We are Jesus
Abandoned, misunderstood
Crying with a loud voice
Dying a death