Blessing of the Animals

Part of this Psalm is about all creatures praising God.  When I think about God and the creatures of this world I have two images.  The first is what I have seen and learnt from my dog, Osca.  During times of me being anxious or upset, I have found Osca on my chest.  I have no option but to pat him and in giving him pats I find myself calming down.  A way of Osca providing me with care and support when I have needed it.  Osca also loves being patted by any human that he meets.  The person reacts with smiles and laughter – maybe it has brightened up their day.  We know that God provides us with care and support when we need it – perhaps God has provided me that care and support through Osca.

The second image is of birds, fish and animals that are dying and becoming extinct.  Most of these creatures are becoming extinct because of the actions of us humans.  We are clearing the land in which they live.  We are dumping plastic bags and plastic rings from milk containers in places that can then affect the lives of the creatures around us.

The theme for this Season of Creation is “to hope and act with creation”.  To hope for animals to continue to provide us with care and support that we should recognise as coming from God. To act to find ways of changing our habits so that all creatures have a better chance of living in this world – God’s creation.

Shirley Bowers

Lay Preacher