Being a Safe Church

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[ps2id id=’section-1′ target=”/]What are our responsibilities re Keeping Children Safe?

The UCA expects all appointed leaders to undertake Safe Church Training and to have a current Working with Vulnerable People Registration (WWVPR).

The Church Council is responsible for ensuring leaders undertake this training and have a WWVPR.  The Church Council is also responsible for putting in place policies and procedures to provide a safe environment.

The Synod has comprehensive resources to help you provide a safe environment for children and all vulnerable people on the Keeping Children Safe Website.

Anthea Maynard (Presbytery Minister – Leadership Formation) is available to walk you through your responsibilities and help implement policies.

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[ps2id id=’section-2′ target=”/]Who can help us with our Occupational Health and Safety Responsibilities?

The Presbytery has produced a checklist for you (UC Schedule Log Book PDF 253KB)

The Synod Website has a variety of resources including the OHS manual

We recommend you appoint someone to be the OHS person

Cameron Walker (Synod OHS officer) can provide advice.

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[ps2id id=’section-3′ target=”/]Are contractors required to complete the online safety induction?

Yes, all contractors intending to work on a Uniting Church site must first complete the online contractor induction. This only needs to be completed once per year, and helps to ensure the health safety of contractors and all other people involved in the church. The induction can be found here.

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[ps2id id=’section-4′ target=”/]When does an incident report need to be completed?

An incident report needs to be completed when an incident has occurred involving a staff member, volunteer, contractor, member of a congregation, or a visitor to the church.

Incidents include injury to a person, property damage, near misses and accidents where a person is hospitalised.  The incident report form should be completed as soon as possible after the incident and sent to the Synod Safety Team.

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