I recently shared with others in a Godly Play Core Training opportunity. In those three days I saw several people experience an alive moment. When they went from not being sure about sharing and leading a story, to being on cloud nine because they did what they didn’t think they could do. I saw deep insights emerging as people pondered their learning from the experience of having a go.
These were moments of life seeming to be full – alive.
Think of a time when you felt alive, when every fibre of your being could be felt. How old where you? What was going on for you at the time? What were the circumstances around that moment?
God invites to live a full life. Often these moments of life being full, when we know we are alive, are also moments when we grow, when we change a little. When we adapt to something different being a reality in our life.
This is healthy and important for ourselves, and for the relationships we share with others. God does not invite us into stale and stagnant places in life. Think of the biblical stories where God changes someone, when someone experiences an alive moment. What do you see God doing in their life?
Our lives are part of the biblical witness of God at work in our world. When we are open to those moments we will see God working the lives of others around us too. You might like to have a conversation with the other person about their alive moment. What was it like for them? What was going on for them? Why did it feel alive? What do you see and hear the other person doing that helps you know that they are experiencing or talking about an alive moment?
When we wonder about what God is up to, we discover God is up to a lot. Let’s be brave in having conversations with each other about that.
If you would like Denise to visit your congregation, to listen and share around leadership formation, contact us via the Presbytery Office 6331 9784 or Denise 0427 647 395 or denise.savage@victas.uca.org.au