We all make decisions. Some are small, some are big. Some are made with other people, some have to be made on our own. Some will affect another, some will not. How do you make decisions? How do interact with others as they make decisions?
Here’s an exercise to try – think of one big decision you’ve made in your life. Write down, what prompted or meant you had to make that decision. Now write down, what went into making that decision. What were all the things that needed to be considered? And finally – did the decision stick, or did you have to revisit it and do something different.
Have a look at each the things you’ve written down. At each point there a moment that as someone you know who is making a big decision can be cared for. What kind of responses from other people might be useful for you in those moments of decision making? This is how we can be helpful and be moments of sharing something of who God is with another. Whether it be in how we care for another in that moment of the way we share conversation.
Another point of considering decisions is when we need to share decisions in community. We can find ourselves having to work difference of opinion, of understanding, of experience. Understanding that we each see things from a different perspective can be helpful in making decisions together.
Young people learn who we are as people of faith when we share with them what it is to make decisions. And we can help them – whether we live with them, or have grandchildren, or nieces and nephews, or friends with children.
Another learning opportunity for how we can make healthy decisions together is coming up in October. See the events page on the website or in this publication. For further information you can also contact the presbytery office, or one of the Presbytery Ministers
If you would like Denise to visit your congregation, to listen and share around leadership formation, contact Denise 0427 647 395 or denise.savage@victas.uca.org.au
Denise Savage
Presbytery Minister Leadership Development