Ps 147:12-20
Ephesians 1:3-14
John 1:(1-9), 10-18
Who is this one?
Who is this one celebrated in the psalm whose word is seen in the nuances of creation and the teaching of the law? The one who brings peace within our open borders – despite those for whom the bars of gates need to be strengthened, despite the frost that confines the fruitfulness of the earth.
Who is this one who through the prophets speaks out constantly with, “…thus says the Lord:…” to whom we are called to, “…proclaim, give praise and say…”? The one who shepherds us, yet makes us walk; who comforts us, but does not shield us from sorrow.
Who is this one in whom the Ephesians. “…have heard the word of truth…”? The one who had a plan in the sending of Jesus, draws us into family relationship and seals us with the Holy Spirit.
Who is this one who was the Word before time, was the Word in flesh living amongst our forebears in the faith, was the Word, “…close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known.”? The one who was with God, was God (and will be God); the one who set up his tent among us, who moved into our neighbourhood.
It is still Christmas. It is Christmas according to John where there are no shepherds, no wise ones, no Mary, no Joseph, no stars, no stables. There is Jesus. Sent, made flesh, living amongst our kind, and a mirror in which we see the face of God.