How is God revealed to us

Psalm. God is revealed in and through the natural world and in the gift of the law.

Nehemiah. God is revealed in the possibility that these events could happen in this place at this time. God is revealed in the gathering of the people and their inclination to hear and stay until the process was completed. God is revealed in the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah who read and helped the people understand. God is revealed in the reading and the preaching of the Word.

1 Corinthians. God is revealed in the individuals who are part of the body and in the body collectively. God is revealed as the individuals and the body as a whole exercise gifts they have been given by God through the Holy Spirit.

Luke. God is revealed in the writings of the scriptures, and the reading, hearing and interpretation of them. God is revealed in the person of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. God is revealed in the news that travels about.

Various levels of discernment and interpretation are needed with regard to all.

Graham Booth
Lay Preacher