We tend to digest the scriptures like eating an elephant. Yes, the bible is huge and, frankly, who has the time or mental constitution to devour it in one go? So we fragment it into chapters and verses and snack, piece by piece, bit by bit, and we get through it eventually. What we are in peril of losing though, is the threads which link the discourses. They are all connected. For instance, do we ever see Jesus’ comment on the poor widow’s philanthropy vs.41-44 as being all about the question of the greatest commandment from last week’s sermon? vs. 28-34

We should! Because giving is not about piety, it is about love and love by its nature is generous. This woman is exemplified by her humility because the gift she gave was given from her heart and not from the masses of wealth which she had (not) accumulated. God smiled upon her that day because she loved the Lord her God with all her heart, mind and soul. Whether or not anybody took notice was of no consequence. Her giving came out from a soul given over to God.

Now that is inspiring!

 Rev Michael Duke
Kingston UCA