The story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers is a powerful story of faith, grace and gratitude. At times I want to see Christ work powerfully before I am willing to allow my faith, actions and hope to increase. In the story of the 10 lepers, they called out to Jesus for mercy and Jesus told them to take action as if they were already healed. This process normally occurred after a person was healed, not before. As the 10 lepers went to see the Priests, they were healed. Do we have faith that will allow us to call on Christ’s mercy, obey him and live as if we are healed and transformed? We have friends in a rural area of Zimbabwe (Buhera) that have no water, and a Methodist minister has asked for help to build a borehole. I am calling out to Christ for mercy for this community and myself. What would happen if I invited other people, especially our own little faith community to respond and would it really be possible to meet this huge challenge? Where is Jesus inviting you to step out in faith before the outcome or path is clear?
Jesus was gracious to heal all the lepers, regardless of whether they acknowledged him or not. Jesus also showed God’s grace to heal the leper who was a Samaritan since he represented centuries of hostility.
Only one of the ten healed men returned, praising God with a loud voice and humbly thanking Jesus. It was the (despised) Samaritan. Are we willing to acknowledge Jesus’ healing in our lives and publically share our gratitude and praise?
Click to view a video of gratitude and praise from Zimbabwe