Stewardship Thought
From the time when Jesus was recognized by the disciples as the Messiah, he began to prepare them for his future and theirs. It was not a life of triumph and power which he presented to them. It was about suffering and death, about decisions to walk towards those whose power was destroying the people. It was an invitation to take up a cross and to lay down our agendas for saving our own lives. A different picture of being alive was offered – one based on joining in the self-sacrificing life of the Christ rather than following the way which seemed more profitable. It is a salutary exercise to ask ourselves whether that is the image that the world in general has of the life of the Christian Church over the ages.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Thanks be to you, O Christ,
who leads us on into life
which spreads in meaning and purpose before us.
Thanks be to you, O Christ,
for life which carries us into the heights and depths
instead of a known costless way.
Even as we have brought to you our fears and failings,
we still know in our hearts
that yours is the pathway filled with light,
lit by the martyrs and faithful disciples in every age
who invite in us a greater dream.
Thanks be to you, O God.
Ann Perrin