When I (again) read Psalm 106 for this week’s reflection, I felt reassured, and humbled, again. Reassured because I know the Lord loves me. Still… Reassured because I am reminded that I will never be truly alone as I experience the challenges, triumphs, failures, and heartaches on my journey through my earthly life. Reassured because even though I do my very best to act justly and do what is right, all the time, I sometimes don’t get it right, sometimes unintentionally … And I am humbled because of God’s mighty acts…
I have sinned, and I have done wrong, but I can’t really remember ever having acted wickedly though… My sins have mainly been of omission I would say. I haven’t loved God, or others, enough. Particularly the ‘others’, my neighbours…
A tough gig that one, with some suffering involved… Especially because of those folks who annoy so much… Who are so so different… Who communicate differently… Who think differently… Who dress differently… Who behave differently… Who love differently… But wait, that’s me too! Halleluiah!
The Buddhists say that life’s suffering is caused by attachment and desire… To false idols, amongst other things. Like a bull cast from metal for example… What or who is actually worthy of being idolised these days? Truly idolised, and not just as a celebrity figure…
Trust is at a very low ebb with many of our institutions and public and celebrity figures. Maybe we should be heralding more the chicken soup for the soul brigade, those who battle just to get to Church on Sundays, those who are always there, for everyone else – who never let any of us down!
To the best of our knowledge, God and his Son never let anyone down. Ever. And even if we think he/they did, with the benefit of hindsight, they didn’t. And they won’t… Ever… Praise the Lord.