The Orb – Tasmania Aboriginal Culture

Searching through the ABC News Website the other day I found this article on a Tasmanian Aboriginal Cultural Resource called the Orb: “a collection of online multimedia resources designed to “reflect the holistic nature of Tasmanian Aboriginal culture and...
Walking Together

Walking Together

At the recent Assembly I joined the Walking Together Circle of Interest.  Anyone can join a circle of interest so I decided to limit myself to one. Walking Together as First and Second Peoples is a call that God continues to bring to my attention.  As a church in...
Psalm 111

Psalm 111

The writer of Psalm111 is sure of a number of things: God’s unending goodness and kindness to those who trust him. That the right response of a believer in God is to praise God for his goodness and loving kindness. That God and the believer have a relationship through...
Bread, Covenant, Connected

Bread, Covenant, Connected

A mix of themes in the Revised Lectionary Readings for August.  Bread, Covenant, and Connection is just a beginning.  These images can be a start or alternatively, search through one of the linked pages from the side bar.     All images contributed by Denise...
Walking together as First and Second Peoples

Walking together as First and Second Peoples

As many from the Uniting Church gather together in Melbourne for our National Assembly we pay respect to the First Peoples of this land, their elders, past, present and emerging and commit to work for reconciliation and justice. We may say this at the beginning of...