St Helens Uniting Church and Fingal Uniting Church
focussed on the ‘unique prophetic and apostolic testimony’ which nourishes and regulates our ‘faith and obedience’ and on the Gospel proclaimed ‘both in words and the two visible acts of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper’ (see the Basis of Union paragraphs 5 and 6). The tea-lights of the cross represent the Biblical witnesses pointing to the Christ candle and symbols of baptism and communion.
Ulverstone Uniting Church
hosted the workshop, ‘The Bible and the Basis’ on Saturday 29th June. This was an initiative of the ACC (Tasmanian branch) but was open to all. The on line participants were not able to contribute to the main exercise of finding biblical references for key statements in the Basis but groups at Ulverstone UC found references for §§ 3, 5 and 18.