Leaders of the Uniting Church in Tasmania host a weekly ‘open meeting’ for local church leaders of congregations and faith communities around Tasmania. The purpose is to share the latest updates on COVID-19 from Presbytery & Synod, to identify key challenges and possibilities, and find mutual support.
This open conversation is held from 7:00pm-8:00pm every Thursday evening, and after an update on the latest Government Directions and Church guidelines, includes opportunities for questions and sharing what’s going on. Local church communities are finding all sorts of effective ways to remain connected, caring and sharing, and growing in faith and mission.
You can use your home phone, a mobile phone, or your computer to join the Zoom meeting. If possible, use a computer headset or phone headset to reduce background noise. Add your location/church to your name displayed in Zoom, so others can see where you’re from.
For the Zoom meeting details contact the Tasmanian Office: email Tas.office@victas.uca.org.au or phone 6331 9784.