21 July 2024  Pentecost 9       Psalm 89:20-37

21 July 2024 Pentecost 9 Psalm 89:20-37

This Psalm is an assurance of the sure realisation of God’s promises. Most people have expectations, some great, some less so. Whatever expectations we may have, they are sometimes a fire within us and sometimes a basis of despair. I do have problems with David, King...
14 July 2024   Pentecost 8        Psalm 24

14 July 2024 Pentecost 8 Psalm 24

A processional Psalm of David, pilgrims are in procession ‘with the King of Glory’ from the provinces of his realm to the central height and the city at the summit. Possibly written for a ceremonial occasion, an enthronement event, or the delivery of the Holy Ark to...
7 July 2024   Pentecost 7     Psalm 48

7 July 2024 Pentecost 7 Psalm 48

Zion, Jerusalem, the City of God or is it that strife ridden, seat of conflict, spot on the planet which has caused more trouble than any other?  Psalm 48 probably emerged in an atmosphere of elation after a great deliverance. We cannot know the story of that event...
30 June 2024    Pentecost 6     Mark 5: 21-43

30 June 2024 Pentecost 6 Mark 5: 21-43

Both of these stories – with one, as it were, enfolded in the other – reveal Jesus as the source of life and healing. As the First Reading says today, God: does not delight in the destruction of the living. And it goes on to say: For he created all things so that they...
23 June 2024    Pentecost 5   Mark 4:35-41

23 June 2024 Pentecost 5 Mark 4:35-41

After days of healing, and now a long day of teaching by the seaside, Jesus and his friends sail off, leaving the crowd behind. Jesus is beat. He goes to sleep while the accomplished fishermen sail the boat. There is a storm. They wake him up. He stills the wind and...
16 June 2024    Pentecost 4     1 Samuel 16: 1-13

16 June 2024 Pentecost 4 1 Samuel 16: 1-13

Grief comes in many forms: grief at the death of a loved one or respected leader; grief as we watch illness rob someone of precious abilities; grief as we discover that we will never reach a cherished personal goal or grief when someone for whom we had high hopes...