As I see it

As I see it

An entity which exchanges information with, and adapts to changes in the environment is said to have natural intelligence. Humans are now able to programme machines to, make decisions and learn from past experience. Welcome to the era of artificial intelligence – AI....
The story of the song; The Righteous One

The story of the song; The Righteous One

Our bible study group is currently studying ‘Acts – Seeing the Spirit at Work’ by John Stott. In study number 3 we read the story where Peter healed the man who had been a cripple from birth.   Peter speaks to the onlookers following the healing of the cripple at the...
Faith Mentors

Faith Mentors

Think for a moment about who has influenced you in your faith journey. What was about who they were or are that matters? What characteristics do they bring that draw to them?  What is the story of faith they hold? We all have people who are faith mentors in our faith...
Living in Isolation

Living in Isolation

I have lived in a few isolated places in my life. It is a real learning experience for those of us who are city dwellers. In 1994 I left Hobart to teach in an Aboriginal community 80 km west of Alice Springs. ‘What are you expecting to find?’ I was asked before I...
Alone with yourself.  Alone with God.

Alone with yourself. Alone with God.

I recently had the opportunity to go walking on Lord Howe Island. One morning I decided to go it alone. After walking up hundreds of steps and then walking down even more, I ended up on a deserted beach with a mountain looming ahead of me. As I climbed the ridge of...
Reflections of a hymn singer

Reflections of a hymn singer

  Being a descendant from fervent Methodist Cornish miners (great grandfather conducted the first Methodist service in the Bendigo area),  then cutting my teeth on the Methodist Hymnal and committing much of it to memory, I find it difficult to accept some of the...