KUCA Reflects the Light

KUCA Reflects the Light

KUCA camp out 2018 was simple, small and still successful. Adults from across Tasmania provided quality, thoughtful, prayerful and faith filled contributions to the camp.   The KUCA camp out theme was great this year. The theme was “Reflect the Light, the Light...
Pilgrim Child Care children in good hands – Rosie Crerar

Pilgrim Child Care children in good hands – Rosie Crerar

Rosie and I sit down at a children’s play table on little blue chairs, as purple playdough is being cut into lozenges by an upside-down red plastic knife. Other childcare staff are supervising the making of a coral display of crayon coloured coral, supported by pale...
Frontier Services Worship at Kingston

Frontier Services Worship at Kingston

If you came to worship at Kingston Uniting Church on Sunday August 26 you may have been a little surprised by what you saw and heard. The communion table was decorated with some red satin, on which sat a large loaf of damper, and a very well used, rusty billy.  A...
Lisa @ Newpin

Lisa @ Newpin

Lisa sits at her computer in the small bright office at the heart of the Newpin Centre in Ravenswood, Launceston. This is the quiet space for the Family Support Workers in the middle of the coming and goings of the day. Having worked at Newpin for four years in the...
A Grape or Two at Gala Kirk

A Grape or Two at Gala Kirk

The Uniting Church Faith Community at Gala Kirk Cranbrook on the beautiful East Coast of Tasmania, celebrated the end of the grape harvest with a harvest festival service held on Sunday the 29th April at 2pm [a very civilized time] Cranbrook is a small but charming...
Riak Majok: Uniting at Work

Riak Majok: Uniting at Work

In her mid-twenties Riak is a social worker with definite enthusiasm for her work. With a couple of years professional experience already behind her, working with both child protection and immigrant and refugee family resettlement with the now defunct Humanitarian...