June 26 2022 Pentecost 3 Luke 9: 51-62
Our priority must be with the kingdom of God. There are many other ‘loves’, but they must all be held together by this priority.
Easter- The New Normal
This COVID-19 crisis offers us time to reflect on what is normal. It offers us a time to throw out what is not life giving. And it offers us the opportunity to develop new more loving, life giving ways of living with God.
Light and Shade in Matthew
This year we have been unable to gather and share in a common learning opportunity face to face in Refresh (planned for May 2020). An alternative learning opportunity is to engage in a series of video inputs around the gospel of Matthew that Uniting Church minister and biblical scholar Bill Loader has generously pulled together and shared with the wider church.
Lifelong Christian Faith
Growing in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ is transformational. It may be a long time since we have intentionally reflected on this and pondered our heart for God.
Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week 2020
As Christian communities around Tasmania, the Uniting Church is committed to reconciliation and renewal - of the whole creation, of our relationships with palawa, the First Peoples of Tasmania, and in particular our growing relationship with Leprena, the Uniting...
Tassie UCA congregations – being church during the pandemic
In her Easter message, Moderator Rev Denise Liersch reminded us to look to Jesus for a way forward during this time of seismic upheaval.