Child Safe Project

Child Safe Project

Why on earth do we have to fill out a Keeping Children Safe Progress Report?
Why on earth do we need to obtain Working with Vulnerable People registrations?

Spirituality in a Changing World

Spirituality in a Changing World

A few weeks ago I was privileged, along with some 60 others, to attend a day with Padraig O’Tuama, “Spirituality in a Changing World”.

Kiekie Cross

Kiekie Cross

I have been looking for feminine images of God and have been disappointed by a lack of contemporary Christian feminine images in the Uniting Church in Australia.

I always wanted a Blue God

I always wanted a Blue God

Then one day I happened upon an image of Trinity by Hildegard von Bingen and although I still don’t know an awful lot about her or her life, I know she painted the “Trinity in Unity” with a beautiful blue Christ in the centre of golden and a silver circles which are representative of the Holy Spirit and God the Father.

Presbytery Youth Camp 2019

Presbytery Youth Camp 2019

The 2019 Presbytery Youth Camp was a fun, relaxed and enjoyable event.
It fostered a positive community of young people open to exploring questions about God.

Living Faith

Living Faith

May we all be able to find the sunset in turbulent times, knowing that at some point the plane will land and circumstances will again become calm.